Furniture Bolts

Furniture Bolts

Here at A & J Fasteners, we have heard many names for the Flat Socket Furniture Bolts, but in recent years the most common titles have been: 'Cot bed bolts', 'Ikea bolts' and 'Bed bolts'. More than likely this is due to the huge increase in flat packed beds/furniture supplied to us by the likes of Ikea and other flat pack manufacturers, many of which utilise these bolts as their main fixings. They offer and strong and resilient finish when fixing furniture together, hence their growing popularity.


As a general rule of thumb, these socket bolts are used in conjunction with a barrel nut which is inserted into the hollow of the timber frame and gives a good fixing for the bolt to be threaded through. Another common alternative is for a threaded wood insert or T-nut to be inserted to the rear of the wooden frame which then pulls in to the timber when the screw is inserted, allowing for a strong fix.


For ease of use, the M6 furniture bolt has an allen key driven fitting which aids against rounding/burring which is common in other head types. This allows for quick and simple fixing which can be attempted by even the most novice of DIY enthusiasts, providing a strong, long lasting hold.


These bolts may be easy to use… but also easy to lose! Many customer enquiries we receive are from people who have lost their existing fixings during a house move, or when storing furniture away for any reason. But losing these bolts does not need to result in a headache!


We supply one of the largest ranges of furniture bolts, barrel nuts, T-nuts and socket nuts in the UK, all with free UK based delivery! To make things that little bit easier, we sell them in small quantities for that general DIY'er who simply needs to replace the bolts they lost for their bed when moving house! (Yes we get that a lot!)


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      Jun 7, 2023

      Dalmaçyalılar köpekleri, kopekturleri Dalmaçyalılar, ortalama olarak, erkekler için ağırlıkları 5060 pound ve dişilerde 4050 pound arasındadır. Boyları erkeklerde 2224 inç, dişilerde ise 2022 inç arasındadır. Bu köpeklerin en dikkat çekici özelliği, lekeli tüyleri ve uzun burunlarıdır. wikipedia Maltese köpekleri, enerjik, cana yakın ve sevecen bir yapıya sahiptir. Gözlerindeki güzel ifadeleri sayesinde her zaman sevgi dolu bir görünüm sergilerler. Sahiplerine karşı çok bağlıdır. Bu sebepten dolayı yalnız bırakıldıklarında sıkıntı yaşayabilirler. Ayrıca, çocuklarla birlikte oynamayı ve güzel zaman geçirmeyi severler. Maltese köpeklerinin ayrıca, yabancılara karşı hiçbir zaman saldırgan davranışları yoktur.

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        Sep 1, 2023


Klienci odbierający sygnał telewizyjny z anten satelitarnych powinni co kilka lat wykonywać przegląd całej instalacji antenowej aby uniknąć problemów z odbiorem, szczególnie podczas złej pogody takiej jak deszcz czy śnieg. Objawia się to zatrzymaniem obrazu na kilku sekund i zanikami dźwięku co może być denerwujące podczas oglądania transmisji sportowych na żywo, trzeba wtedy podjąć kroki w celu usunięcia usterki. Aby pomóc klientom Canal+ z problemami technicznymi powstał na terenie Warszawy i województwa mazowieckiego profesjonalny którego instalatorzy wykonują montaż oraz ustawienie anten satelitarnych, podłączenie i konfigurację dekoderów cyfrowych a także rozbudowę instalacji antenowych o usługę multiroom dającą możliwość oglądania telewizji na kilku telewizorach w jednym domu jednorodzinnym lub mieszkaniu w bloku.

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